July 8, 2020
I haven't smiled this big in a long time. When all you’re doing is battling the enemy, no matter what that looks like for you, life is debilitating. You just have no energy. Everything is heavier. There were days where I couldn't even muster up enough strength to brush my teeth. That's just two minutes of my day that I couldn't handle. Can you imagine school, social life, sports, etc? Impossible.
Now that I'm in recovery and my “bad” days are less and less, my energy from and strength in Jesus is more and more and my smile stays no matter the circumstance. Life is better with Jesus. Life is worth living because of His purpose for me. Recovery gives you what you've always dreamed of and more. It gives you your life back. This is freedom.
I was talking to my dietitian yesterday. She asked me a question that entailed a certain action that could be detrimental if used the wrong way. "That would just interfere with my sport. Why would I want to do that to my body?" Both of our eyes lit up at that moment. My response to her question can apply to so many different areas of my life. Eating disorder, that would just interfere with my life. Why would I do that to my body? Self-harm, that would just interfere with my life. Why would I do that to my body? Ruminating on the past or anxiously awaiting the future, that would just interfere with my life. Why would I want to do that to my mind and body?
I'm not saying these illnesses or any difficulties are just easy to brush off. They may take time and hard work and endless prayer, but it is possible. It is possible to recover, conquer, and overcome. I believe in you. I believe in myself. Jesus made a way on the cross. He made a way not only to give us eternity with Him but also to live abundantly on earth. He never said abundant life was free of trial and tribulation but He did say He is the way, the truth, and the life.
What is interfering with your life that you could work to recover from? What are you doing to your mind or body that you could find freedom from? I know my answers to these two questions. I can find freedom by focusing on the truth. The truth that my relationship with the Lord is always more than enough and my worth is in what He says of me.
What does Jesus say that you need to take and receive as your firm foundation today?