Things We Want You to Know


October 16, 2020

Things other people need to know about eating disorders...

  • Eating disorders are not a choice... people do not choose this life/trial.

  • Eating disorders serve a function that protects from something hard.

    • Metaphor: You're swimming in a river and the rapids start to get intense. You grab a log to hold on to. It supports you and gives you comfort. Then the rapids calm down. But you can't let go of the log. It keeps you from getting back to shore. Eating disorders function as a coping mechanism but they become dysfunctional and keep you from living.

  • Eating disorders give a sense of control when the whole world seems to be caving in.

  • Eating disorders are a loud voice, from the enemy, in our minds. The voice is constantly lying to us.

  • Nothing we do is ever enough for the eating disorder voice in our heads. Makes sense though because satan wants to bring us as far away from Jesus as he can.

  • We want more than anything to not be like this.

  • They are about so much more than the food... something deep down is triggering the attempt to cope with food.

  • Any comments about body sizes, food judgements, etc are hard to hear and deal with.

  • They cause isolation and disconnection with others... heavy feelings of loneliness. 

  • They can affect any body size at any age.

  • They can cause us to see our bodies through a totally different lens... we do not see our body the way others do. (Body dysmorphia)

  • Recovery is not linear.

  • Navigating a society that is so deep in diet culture feels nearly impossible at times. If you don’t have an eating disorder, you most likely still believe some diet culture lies.

Things other people need to know about depression...

  • We can't just snap out of it.

  • It can make us feel lonely even when surrounded by loved ones.

  • Depression can make you feel drained but also restless (when paired with anxiety).

  • Depression causes you to feel unable to get through the present moment and also worry about the future (when paired with anxiety).

  • Depression can look like a busy life... it can be easier to hide behind a smile and act like everything is alright.

  • Being depressed doesn't always have a reason.

  • Depression and sadness are not the same thing.

  • Depression causes us to feel like a burden to other people.

  • Little things, such as brushing your teeth, can feel unmanageable.

  • Depression is exhausting.

  • Having someone check in can mean the world but we may also just tell you that we’re fine.

  • Just because we laugh doesn't mean we are not in pain.

  • We are not weak for being depressed... It is not always a choice and we know there are things we can do to alleviate the pain. Help us focus on those things!

  • We can be high functioning and still struggle with depression.

Things other people need to know about anxiety...

  • Just because it is “all in our heads” does not mean it isn’t real.

  • Anxiety comes out in different ways.

  • We can be constantly on edge.

  • We don't want to hear you tell us to stop worrying.

  • Small or normal things can make us feel uneasy.

  • We don't always know why we're anxious.

  • We can't just turn our brains off.

  • Social anxiety is a thing... it's not you, it’s overthinking situations.

  • Making decisions is hard.

  • Sometimes anxiety is just physical.

  • We get anxious about being anxious.

  • We can be high functioning and still struggle with anxiety.

  • We just want you to be there, not to fix us.

  • We can get overstimulated in busy environments.

  • It's hard to not feel in control of our surroundings.

These are just a few of the many things about some mental health struggles that are good to know if you are trying to support a friend, peer, family member, etc. Not all of these things are true for all people. Everyone who struggles has a different story. I’m here to tell you “THANK YOU” for supporting your loved one who struggles. It is making a difference even when it doesn’t seem like it. 

Things we all NEED to know…

  • “Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them an abundance of prosperity and security.” Jeremiah 33:6

  • “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24

  • “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3

  • “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

  • “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

  • “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms...” Ephesians 6:10-18

  • “I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten…” Joel 2:25

In the midst of all the pain and darkness our world is experiencing right now, we can, and need to, stand firm in Jesus Christ. I’m in complete awe that I can face the hardship with the hope and joy of Jesus Christ and His victory over sin, darkness, and death. Because the two coexist. What a reason to praise.


New Year, New Me?


Dear God